The bigger the alpha, the harder he falls

Hallowpalooza Scavenger Hunt! Win a Kindle Fire

Hey, Readers!  

Are you ready to enter to win prizes and books?

I'm one of the sponsors of the Night Owl Romance HALLOWPALOOZA Reader Scavenger Hunt 2018 – Over 100 Prizes & Over 100 Winners! October 11 – 31st.

The grand prize is a Kindle Fire HD 8 w/Alexa

Take a look–you're sure to find some great new books. And of course, make sure to check my featured title Hawaiian Honey, Sweet & Dirty BBW MC Romance, Book 7 

Series Tip: Book 7 is set primarily in Hawaii…get ready for a mini-vacay, biker style!

Click the PIC to enter now!



  Hawaiian Honey

Sweet&Dirty BBW MC Romance, Book #7featuring Moke and Shelle


He’s in Hawaii to deal with his past.

She's on the run from hers.

They find sanctuary together, but will their passion explode

into betrayal?

‘Moke’ Ahuelo is riding hard to forge a future.

But on Hawaii’s Big Island, the heartache of his past nearly brings this big man to his knees. Until he rescues a pretty squatter from the beach. Now he must claim his family's legacy, and keep her safe from the killers on her trail…and from the inner darkness that drives her.

Shelle Mason is running from her past.

She flew all the way to Hawaii to escape from an evil biker gang. But now she’s broke and alone, and her only rescue may be from one of the men she fears and distrusts—a biker.

Can these two loners find the way to trust each other, and their own hearts?

Will love’s sweetness be worth the sting?

Escape to the tropics with another hot, alpha Devil's Flyer.

The bigger the alpha… the harder he falls.

       *******Available in Kindle Unlimited********

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cover Raw Honey by Cathryn Cade, Prequel of Sweet&Dirty BBW MC Romance
The Devil’s Flyers MC invite you on a wild ride, back to the beginning… when their club and the love of a lifetime began.

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cover Raw Honey by Cathryn Cade, Prequel of Sweet&Dirty BBW MC Romance

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The Devil's Flyers MC invite you on a wild ride,
back to the beginning...
when their club and
the love of a lifetime began.

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