Happy New
Time to Rock it!
In 2013, I resolve … to take time for my Other Creative Passions!
To help me get started, my friend,
Cassiel Knight
Cassiel: It seems one of the most common resolutions for New Year’s always involves some form of time management and organization. Finding and taking the time to do the things you want to do. Time for vacation. Time for family. If you are an author, it’s: Time for writing. Time for promoting. And so on.
Authorities talk about how time can be gained by organizing yet how many of us actually do that?
One of Cathryn’s resolutions involves time to do other creative pursuits. As if there are other things besides writing and reading. Okay, okay, I know there are. So, how does a busy woman find and take the time?
Well, one way is via project management concepts. Yep, a business method can help you manage your time in your self, your writing and your career.
You might be asking, how can project management principles help? In many ways. Managing your life, time and energies via project management can:
- Provide structure – A road map
- Help with goal setting – building your road map
- Planning – how you get from A to B
- Plotting – the details of getting from A to B
- Implementation – making it all happen
- Momentum – keeping things going
Sure, the idea of such a thing may be causing some of you to break into hives. I get it. But it can help you get more organized, quit fumbling around and find the time to engage in things you like to do.
Want to know more? Well, starting April 15 at Savvy Authors, I’m teaching a class on this very subject. You can find more information here: http://www.savvyauthors.com/vb/showevent.php?eventid=1747
Have a fantastic 2013!
Cassiel Knight resides in the beautiful, and evergreen, state of Oregon with her husband of over 20 years and two female Shih Tzus, which are her children in every sense of the word. When she isn't editing, writing or reading (and that is most of the time), she can be found playing with her Shih Tzus, gardening (when the weather permits and sometimes when it doesn't) and cooking fancy meals as long as someone else does the dishes. She writes paranormal romances with kick-assitude that blend archeology and mythology—just a few of her favorite things—for Samhain Publishing, Lyrical Press and Champagne Book Group.
Many thanks to Cassiel for the great tips to find more time for what's really important. How about you? Leave a comment!
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THE RESOLUTION TOUR – January 1 – 9, 2013
Maggie Jaimeson – Take a Vacation
Jessa Slade – Get Organized
Paty Jager – Volunteerism
Linda Mercury – Creating a Literary (or Creative) Life
Jenna Bayley-Burke – Eat Healthier
Cassiel Knight – No More Procrastination
Cathryn Cade – Take Time for those OTHER Creative Passions
Su Lute – Reduce Stress: Find and Follow Your Bliss
Jamie Brazil – Shrink My Closet
6 Responses
I must admit that using project management tools makes me shudder. I am very familiar with them, having used them in my Academic administration career. But they seem anathema to my creative career. Though I know some authors who would love it.
This is definitely an interesting and difficult resolution, Cathryn. I look forward to the other 8 posts.
I just need a magical power to create more time. Or a time machine. Science or fantasy, I'd take either one, I'm not picky 🙂
When the creative juices flow, I hop into the project I want to get done.
Happy New Year, Cassiel and Cathryn! I tend to manage my writing time, but it seems so lopsided, focused on word counts and edits. Like Cathryn, I need to schedule other stuff in, too. Reading, for instance. My TBR pile is HUGE!! So I've actually included that in my writing schedule for 2013, fitting it in where writing isn't as effective for me – lunch time at the day job.
Sounds like a great class @ Savvy!
Thanks for letting us know about your class!