Other Worlds … My favorite!
I love my life, but I also love to escape now & then, you know? Ha, I see you nodding! We readers are all escape artists–we can disappear into a story.
I love my life, but there are things about it I'd gladly skip; housework, book-keeping, laundry, traffic. The usual.
What if … we have droids to do the drudge work? What if we no longer spend time in traffic jams, because the sky is not the limit–there are traffic lanes both horizontal & vertical?
What if some beings truly are psychic, and can help regain lost loved ones and stop the bad buys? What if other planets to explore and trade are within our reach?
I'm in! In fact I'm in SO MUCH … that I write this stuff. I Love Sci Fi Romance,
& so do these other fab authors.
LodeStar Book 6 |
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Cathryn Cade
RT 4.5 Stars and Night Owl Reviews TOP PICK
… it’s hot in space, red hot!
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