The bigger the alpha, the harder he falls

Am Writing Sci Fi Romance

Happy New Year!

Winter is a busy time for writers in the Inland NW. The weather outside is frightful, so time to get busy indoors. 

I love snow. But I can only stay out in it for so long before extremities begin to chill even through layers of boots, coat, hat, mittens, etc.  The DH and I take Copper the golden retriever for a daily brisk walk–he loves snow–and then get back to work, me & Copper in my office and DH in his new wood/metal shop.

Happy to report I've written 55K of CYBORG PLEASURE; the Space Madam's Warrior.

I'm lovin' this story! Look for it to debut in late February on all sales sites.




Best-selling author of sci fi romance

RT 4.5 Stars and Night Owl Reviews TOP PICK
… it’s hot in space, red hot!
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cover Raw Honey by Cathryn Cade, Prequel of Sweet&Dirty BBW MC Romance

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